User of federal limo represent that he will accept sms messages from federal Limo.
Zero Drug or alcohol use
We do not tolerate: The presence of illegal drugs or the illegal use of legal drugs in our workplace. The use, possession, distribution, or sale of controlled
substances or alcohol is strictly prohibited while on duty, while on the Company’s premises or worksites, or while operating the Company’s
equipment or vehicles. The use of illegal drugs or threats to use drugs. This isincluded during and any time while riding or driving.
Federal Limo has a zero-tolerance policy for intoxication substance use by any driver, employee or customer. A Violation will result in immediate termination
of employment or termination of the ride. Wheelchair accessible vehicles are available upon request.
Federal Limo does not own any Inspection agency.
Should you have any complaints please contact the city of Dallas Transportation Division by Dailing 311 or 214-670-3111
By opting in to receive SMS messages from Federal Limo, you agree to the terms outlined in this Privacy Policy and our SMS Terms and Conditions. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us directly at 214-815-7499